Tuesday, August 28, 2018

21-Step Challenge: Step 10, My Makeup Area

Step 10 of my 21-Step Organizing Challenge was my makeup area. You may ask, why did I do this one out of order? And the answer is because I got distracted and this was kind of like a side quest to finishing off my yoga and weightlifting area.
An Organized Cosmetics Area

What I did:

  • Organized my products by type, e.g. hair, eyes, cleansers, etc.
  • Labelled everything (I used white masking tape and a black Sharpie)
  • Used clear boxes (thus requiring a trip to The Container Store for the white trays, yellow totes, plastic accessory boxes, and Amac boxes)
  • Put my most frequently used items into the white trays for easy access, and put my least frequently used items higher and further back within the armoire
  • Purged a few items
  • Removed everything from the top of the armoire (not shown in photo)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

21-Step Challenge: Step 2, the Kids' Rooms

Step 2 of my 21-Step Organizing Challenge was children's bedrooms.

Here's the baby's room, and a gratuitous shot of the baby herself.
One tiny baby's room

One tiny baby

What I did:

  • This room was already pretty tidy so I didn't do much aside from move some things that didn't belong out of the room (like a couple of the boys' toys), and clear floor space (hang up the diaper bag)

And here's the boys' shared bedroom.
Everything has a place

No flat sheets = easier bed-making

TBD: Whether I set their play tent back up

Panoramic view

What I did:

  • Got rid of one bag of trash
  • Got two bags' worth of donations
  • Put a few toys into storage as they were no longer age appropriate
  • Removed a seldom played with bulky toy
  • Reconfigured a couple of their clear shoe-box-sized storage boxes
  • Rearranged their storage furniture so that it now frames the window

21-Step Challenge: Step 1, the Attic

Well, I'm doing it, the 21-Step Organizing Challenge.

Here's my attic after its reorganization.

Near side (close to attic entrance)

Far side (further from attic entrance)


Easy access to contents, and clearly labelled

What I did:

  • Had three trunk-loads full of donations
  • Gave four bags of boys' clothes to my coworkers
  • Used clear boxes whenever possible, with white labels, and sometimes created sub-divisions within boxes
  • Grouped boxes together by type: clothing, holiday, and sports