Eating a chocolate-chip cookie |
His Schedule – He is
not a morning person, and is
frequently very drowsy and cranky when we wake him. If he’s good about
getting ready in the morning, then he gets to watch one TV show on
Amazon Prime
before “school” (daycare). He only takes one nap per day. His bedtime is around
8:30 p.m.
B. His Size – Although he used to be a larger kid for his
age, currently he’s smaller than average. His height is 35.25” (37th
percentile) and his weight is 29 lbs. 1 oz. (42nd percentile). He’s currently
wearing size “3T” – shirts in that size fit him but pants in that same size are a
little bit long.
C. His Personality – He’s bossy, stubborn, opinionated, and
he thinks he’s funny. Sometimes he’s quite the tiny tyrant. However, he also
has a sweet side. I can’t tell you how thoughtfully he asked me the other day “Mom,
[are] you happy?”
D. His Favorite Things
Activities – He likes coloring, playing with
Play-Doh, reading (either being read to, or
pretending to read himself), and running. He also loves sticks and trying to
use them like swords.
Animal – He still loves cats (domestic, cheetahs, tigers, etc.).
Book – I don't think he has a favorite book right now. He was very into “
Green Eggs and Ham”
for a while.
Food – He
likes chocolate milk and cookies best (when we let him have those things).
Other things he likes (which unfortunately are also sweet) are Pop Tarts,
muffins, and candy.
Item – He still loves his green, fuzzy blanket.
Toy – He
loves a set of gel pens that we got him, although I know that is
not a toy per se. He also likes building with blocks (wood ones or
MegaBloks) and
coloring on his Doodle Pad (magnetic drawing board,
E. His Development
Speaking – He can speak quite a lot now. His
teachers are concerned that sometimes the words he says are hard to hear, but
so far I haven’t been concerned myself. He’s using four- and five-word
sentences, so I think he’s doing just fine.
Drawing – He recently
learned how to draw a circle – his circles look more like ovals, but it’s a big
step forward from just drawing lines.
Music – He’s starting to be
able to sing the
ABCs song – he makes a lot of mistakes of course.
Potty Training – Although we’ve been trying to train him for about a year, he is
finally starting to really get it, and to choose wearing underwear and using
the toilet regularly over wearing Pull-Ups or diapers.
Bros |
F. Surprises – It’s still amazing to me how fond he is of
his younger brother. You’d think he’d be jealous of the attention that Ted gets,
but he’s not.
G. The Best Things – Sometimes the best thing is just the
way he smiles. Other times, it’s seeing him get interested in something that I’m
interested in (like drawing).